
Millet: A gluten free grain for your daily requirement

Millets are one of the most widely cultivated cereal crops in semi-dry areas of Asia and Africa. Millets are enjoying rising popularity
nowadays due to a range of health benefits. These grains are gluten-free and hence can be easily consumed by everyone.

Types of Millets

India is one of the largest producers of millet. Let’s dig into the nutritional value and benefits of millet.


Barnyard Millet has very high nutrient content. It contains six times more fiber compared to wheat. So this makes an ideal choice for people who are looking for an alternative to wheat.

This variety of millets has high calcium and phosphorus content also.


The foxtail millet is available in the form of rice or flour. This type of millet is high in carbohydrate content. It helps to boost your immune system naturally and helps in maintaining your cholesterol levels as well.


Undoubtedly nutritional value of this type of millet is huge. It is a rich source of minerals like iron, zinc and potassium. If your body is vitamin deficient this can be a good source of natural B- vitamins as well.


This gem millet is also known as miracle millet with the iron content that is eight times higher than that in rice. This can be a perfect substitute for the rice and other dishes that use rice as one of the main ingredients.

Pearl millet also helps in reducing digestion issues as well. With all these benefits, you should really think of adding this ‘gem food’ to your diet.

In addition to these the millet family has many other varieties as well such as Proso Millet, kodo Millet, Sorghum Millet, Multi Millet etc.

Millets are usually consumed in the form of batters thus making it easy to incorporate their nutritional value in your everyday diet. Why don’t you start incorporating this super food in your diet?


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